Editorial Web Design Philanthropy Professional Claire Sterling - Home Personal

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The Foundation Center
The Foundation Center (now known as Candid), where I worked from 1998-2012, collects, analyzes, and disseminates information on philanthropy in the U.S. and around the world, and helps nonprofit organizations to effectively secure foundation grants. Its Foundation Websites program provided web site creation and hosting to private foundations. I managed the program singlehandedly from 2000-2006, maintaining all existing web sites and designing over 75% of the sites for the program's 140+ active clients at the time, as well as helping to develop and implement a fee-based service component in addition to the existing free service. I also designed the user interface for the Foundation Center's Corporate Giving Online subscription-based database search tool. On an ongoing basis, together with other members of the Web Services team, I built and maintained various areas of the Center's own web site as well. In 2006, I transitioned to fundraising in the Center's development department.